Friday, July 1, 2011

Weekly Tune UP 7-1-11

Weekly Tune Up


By Master Instructor David Alvas, Director

Summer is the time for fun! Families do their best to take trips together, go camping, barbeque on the weekends, and head to the beach. We try to take advantage of the summer months for recreation.

When you look at the word recreation, you will notice that it can be broken down in to re-creation; in other words, time to re-create ourselves and unwind - spiritually, mentally, and physically.

In martial arts we talk a lot about balance and the cycles of nature. We study how nature balances out all things. Forests get struck by lightning and catch fire, only to be reborn again with fertile soil. Hurricanes balance the oceans, and cleanse the land (although our existence on the land makes hurricanes a ‘bad’ thing, even though it’s a natural part of nature). The point is that nature takes time to take care of itself and remain in perfect balance, alignment, and harmony.

We use vacations the same way. We take time to unwind, relax, read a good book, go out to a nice dinner, and spend time with the ones we love. This process relaxes the body and mind and allows new energy to flow through us. This positive energy rejuvenates and inspires us, and gives us motivation to keep creating our lives and moving forward.

The key, however, to fully realize the potential of re-creating ourselves, is in being in the moment. How many times have you been on vacation, and spent the entire trip counting the days until you had to return to work? Not very fun and rejuvenating, is it? That’s because we are not living in the present when we have to grumble over counting the days until work starts again. Be in the moment. Be with your family and friends, not in your negative thoughts and back at work. The work can wait and will be there when you return.

If you can be in the moment this summer, and balance out all of that hard work you’ve been doing with some relaxation and fresh energy, you will be able to better re-create yourself, and bring out the new and improved you.

All the best,

David Alvas