Thursday, May 31, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Emotional Gym

Whenever you work out your muscles, especially when you increase intensity, you create microscopic tears in the muscle that cause you to become sore one or two days after the work out. This is referred to as DOMS – Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. This is the beginning of a rebuilding process that leads to greater stamina and muscle hypertrophy (growth of the muscle). DOMS is caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers. Isn’t it interesting that in order to build muscle and get stronger, you have to break it down first?
Building our ‘emotional muscles’ works similarly. Whenever we experience something new or foreign, especially when it involves our emotions, our emotions are getting a work out and microscopic tears are being caused to our ego.
After any intense workout, it is imperative to rest and get proper nutrition to help build the muscles stronger. If we do not rest or eat properly after a workout, we waste the effort we put in to building our bodies.
Our emotional state (ego) works much in the same way. If we do not seek time and wisdom to help build our emotional state of peace after a conflict (workout), we waste the opportunity to grow.
This means creating a paradigm shift in our thinking to looking at conflict as an opportunity to grow and achieve something greater. Just like the gym is an opportunity for our bodies, the world is our emotional gym to enhance our state of peace.
This is imperative for parents to understand with regards to raising emotionally stable children. We cannot protect them from everything (and we shouldn’t), because they need the opportunity to grow their emotional muscles. Our jobs as parents is to be there to help them get through the soreness and make sure their emotions are getting the proper ‘nutrition’, so that they may grow and prosper.
All the best,
David Alvas
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Humble Humble

Humility (Kyum Son in Korean) is such an important part of our growth as human beings. It is the second most important part, in my opinion, next to courage. Courage is where the decision is made to be humble; it is in the act of being humble that the transformation actually happens.
I recently read this and was very impressed by it. It was written by Yehuda Berg. The message carries great wisdom and insight, so I would like to share it with you:
“It's human nature to expend whatever energy is required to prove a point, no matter the cost. As a result, we're seduced into making decisions that gratify the ego but injure the common good. We often reject the ideas of others because they didn't originate in our own clever little minds. We may even secretly wish for failure — even if we ourselves are damaged by it — if a plan originates from someone who ignores our advice.”
Interesting perspective. If you read the previous Tune Up on concentration and its literal meaning, you would be intrigued to know that the literal translation of the Korean words of Kyum Son is humble-humble. It must be really important if the words are repeated twice!
Spend your energy this coming week practicing humility and allowing other people’s ideas and plans to shine. Let go of your ego and allow yourself to expand past the feelings of wanting all of the attention. Let it all go in exchange for the peace that comes from humility.
All the best,
David Alvas
Thursday, May 3, 2012
One United Mind and Body

In Tang Soo Do, we study many concepts, including the idea of Chung Shin Tong Il, which literally translates to One United Mind and Body. This concept explores the value of concentration. However, it looks at it from a different perspective relating to solving conflict within ourselves.
The central concept of Tang Soo Do is Moo Do, or Martial Way. It represents the philosophy that we, as human beings, should strive to solve conflict internally, which will lead to peace in the outside world. We use the 8 Key Concepts and 10 Articles of Faith to guide us in our training and in our daily lives. One United Mind and Body is one of the 8 Key Concepts.
By looking at the concept of Chung Shin Tong Il this way, it suggests that in order to concentrate, we have to have alignment between our mind and body. This means no conflict between our spirit, intellect, and heart.
This is a tall order. It requires dedication to personal growth and discipline over a long period of time. In much the same way that financial investments work, building your personal presence and achieving peace requires time, energy, and sacrifice. It also requires concentration over a long period of time. The key here is that we concentrate better when our hearts and minds are on the same page. Having internal conflict makes it very difficult to concentrate on the things we need to accomplish externally. Without clear internal guidelines, the external world becomes very cloudy, and creating sound decisions is, to say the least, challenging.
The other important element of Chung Shin Tong Il is the emphasis on the word body. It suggests that we need to create a space in our lives where taking care of our bodies is more of a priority. After all, we live in a country where our cars, houses, and bank accounts tend to be more important and take up more of our time than proper diet and exercise. We all know what it’s like to be sick, and how our body ‘talks loudly’ to us when we are ill. You may have noticed how difficult it is to concentrate when our bodies are in pain.
Seek guidance from the people you trust and respect to help solve any internal conflicts you may have. You can also find peace in exercise, a good book or conversation, or an afternoon at the park with your family. Once these are put behind you, your ability to concentrate will improve because you will have Chung Shin Tong Il, a United Mind and Body.
All the best,
David Alvas
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Ego, the King of Sabotage

A great teacher once told me “The more you are able to identify the illusion of the ego, the greater your future will be.”
Every time we are afraid to make a choice, we give in to our ego. Every time we shake in our boots before a presentation, we succumb to our ego. It is the same reason why we are afraid to take risks: we are afraid to sacrifice our ego.
Ego, in the martial arts, is referred to as pride or self-centeredness. It’s that gut wrenching feeling we get when we make a mistake in front of someone else. It is the opposite of humility.
Ego can be like your arch enemy, trying ferociously to sabotage your every desire. It is the little voice in your head that tells you “You are not good enough” or “You do not have what it takes to start your own business”. We need to fight this enemy by taking risks. On the opposite side of ego is certainty. We need to risk our ego to destroy it, it is the only way. We need to be vulnerable.
This week, find ways to break down your ego. Tell someone you made a mistake. Put on a presentation at work; the one you have been putting off for a long time because you are afraid of what others will think. Start that business you have been dreaming about for years. Ask that person on a date that you have not had the courage to in the past. Or, start training in the martial arts, even though you think you will look silly doing it.
Every time you conquer your ego, you will become stronger and wiser.
All the best,
David Alvas
Friday, April 20, 2012
Vacuum of Opportunity

This week, my staff has been teaching some great classes. They have been focusing their lessons on never quitting. I found this inspiring and want to elaborate on this in a more specific fashion regarding failure.
Failure is not a “thing” you can put your hands on. As a matter of fact, failure doesn’t exist. Just like black is the absence of all colors, failure is the absence of success.
\When a person fails at something, it almost always is painful. This pain makes us feel like we have a vacuum inside of us, sucking away at our happiness. But if we change our perspective, and look at a vacuum as an attraction, something pulling into our lives, and not just empty space, a vacuum becomes an opportunity. It becomes an opportunity to attract.
So, when you fail at something, you automatically start attracting something. What you attract is up to you. If you make excuses for your failure and become defensive about it, you attract further failure. If you look at failure as an opportunity for growth and success, that is what you will attract.
Just as outer space is a vacuum with boundless opportunities, so is failure. Failing creates space inside us for growth. What you fill that vacuum with, that space, is up to you.
This week, spend some time looking back at what you failed at and find the opportunity. It could be a mean thing you said, a complement you never gave, or a test in school you did not pass.
All the best,
David Alvas
Friday, March 30, 2012
Winners and Losers *Tournament Edition*

With our upcoming Spring Championship fast approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about the spirit of competition in Tang Soo Do, as it relates to winning and losing in life.
Everyone, either currently or at some point in their lives, likes to win medals and trophies. They are a symbol of accomplishment. They are ornamental representations of hard work, determination, skill, and countless other adjectives that describe success. On the other side of the token, I don’t think I have ever met anyone that does back flips when they lose. That’s not to say I haven’t seen people take losing with a good attitude, but it still hurts.
Why is it that human beings, for the most part, care when we win or lose? It’s because we are all striving for peace in our lives. We are looking for that injection of good feelings that will last a long, long time. Winning provides that feeling, and it can last a while – even a few days or weeks. But it doesn’t last long enough. That’s why next time there is an opportunity for success, we will go after it, even if we have already won.
I have seen people walk away from competitions with gold medals around their neck, sometimes even more than one, and find no peace within themselves. Winners can be losers when you win with the wrong attitude or perception. If you win first place, and walk away thinking ‘I’m the best’ or ‘no one can beat me’ or even ‘I have nothing left to learn’, then you are walking away a loser and have won nothing and found no peace. You will not achieve a feeling of humble accomplishment that will stay with you for the rest of your life. The only thing you will find is an insatiable quest for boosting your ego. You will never find peace.
I have also witnessed people who win nothing in a competition – not even a participation ribbon – walk over to the winners and shake their hand and say ‘I learned a lot watching you today. Thank you for being an inspiration for me to do better.’
This person really won the competition. They went home peacefully and with a good feeling to strive to improve.
The highest form of winning is to walk away from a competition, with or without a medal, and understand the things you did wrong and right, and have the courage to continue to work on it. A true sign of courage is to continue to walk the path even after bearing defeat.
These are all virtues that can only be learned by experience. There are WORLD lessons in life, and there are WORD lessons. The concept of winning and losing can only be learned in worldly experience. And it takes a lot of experience. This is why the tournament is a required exercise at USK Karate Academy.
For parents, this is a painful thing to watch your children learn. Our natural instinct as parents is to protect our children from any kind of pain, but WE MUST realize that this is impossible to do all the time and may actually hurt the child greatly in the big picture. For children to grow up balanced, they must learn how to accept victory with great humility, and defeat with great courage. This is the spirit of Tang Soo Do that we try to instill in all of our students, young and old.
So how, as parents, can we help children learn these things? You have to start by talking to them about the concepts, and then making them accountable for their actions. When they do well, praise them, and tell them how proud you are. Ask them how they feel. Ask them what they thought was the best part of the accomplishment. Ask them what they thought they could improve on. Then tell them one more time how proud you are.
The tough one is when children, especially younger children, fail at something or don’t get the outcome they expected. This is hard to watch as a parent. However, we must be their strength in this time and help them get back up. They will learn more from picking themselves up than you can imagine. As long as you are there to encourage them and not make excuses for them, they will get better. Making excuses when your child fails, and telling them that it was someone else’s fault, will set them up for monumental failure later in life.
To my adult students, when you compete this week, release your ego and compete to learn more about yourself. More knowledge and understanding of yourself will help bring you more peace.
To the parents of the young students in the school, please share this lesson with your children so they can begin the process of finding peace in their lives. It is one of the greatest gifts you can give your child.
All the best,
David Alvas
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

People can be brilliant. People can be amazing. People can change the world.
The one thing standing in our way of our own brilliance and seeing the true essence of others is judgment. Judgment acts like blinders that blur our vision of people’s true character and potential. Judgment also removes humility, thus making it harder to learn from our mistakes and the teachings of others. And we all have something to learn from everyone else.
Love is the only cure for removing judgment. No one is perfect, and I’m not suggesting that by loving someone that all of their faults will go away, but it will make accepting people easier. When we accept someone, we take in the good and the bad. Loving someone means we treat others the way we want to be treated. And we all want to be treated lovingly, even when we are ‘being bad’. Think about it. By loving others, we love and respect ourselves.
This week, find the good in others. Look past their faults to their strengths and use that vision to help overcome conflict. Remember that people mirror back to you your own faults. That’s the negative power of judgment, but also the opportunity. People help to show us what we need to work on, if only we can get past our judgment.
All the best,
David Alvas
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
This is Going to Hurt Me More Than it is Going To Hurt You

I think we all heard that line for the first time somewhere between four and six years old. It made no sense to us, back then. As a parent today, it carries some more weight.
Having to discipline our children is a tough one, for sure. It can feel like it is physically hurting us to have to hold our ground with them when they step out of line or make a poor decision. You get that knot in your stomach, you start questioning yourself, you ask yourself if you are being mean, you get anxious, and so on. You may even wonder what they will think of you after it’s over. So what do we do in this situation when you must be the disciplinarian?
The first and most important question to ask ourselves when we have to discipline our children is:
“Am I doing this in the highest and best interest of the child?”
This is so important to really ask yourself, because it takes away what I call reactive or compulsive disciplining. Reactive discipline comes from a place of anger, confusion, frustration, and fear. When we act from these places, we are not addressing the problem at hand, we are satisfying OUR feelings, and it’s not about us. It is critical that we do not discipline children to satisfy our feelings! Discipline is a tool, one that must be used neutrally and appropriately. When we discipline a child to satisfy our anger with them, we are being selfish and not focused on sending a corrective message, but rather a message that tells the children to react to mistakes with anger. Avoid exercising discipline when angry. This is not the message we want to deliver.
The next question:
“Does the discipline fit the mistake?”
Learn to appropriately match disciplinary action to mistakes. Grounding a child for 6 months because they did not set the dinner table on time is not an appropriate discipline. A basic rule of thumb when putting a young child in time out, for example, is to have them in time out for the number of minutes equal to their age. For example, a five year old that talks back may get 5 minutes in time out, followed by a required apology, and a hug and kiss. As the children get older, and their mistakes get bigger, you have to use your discretion. For example, when disciplining a teenager for breaking curfew, taking the car away for the rest of the weekend or the next time they go out is appropriate. It is also a good idea to have older children and teenagers do something constructive around the house when they step out of line that they normally don’t do. This channels their energy (they will be frustrated when you discipline them) in to something productive and will give them time to reflect on their mistake. Manual labor is usually good.
“Does the child understand clearly what they did wrong?”
The pre-framing for this should take place before the child makes a mistake. One of the biggest errors I see parents make today is that they don’t take the time to effectively explain all of the rules and boundaries of success to a child. I often tell parents that running a household is somewhat like running a business. If you went to work tomorrow and the boss changed all of the rules and expectations and didn’t tell you, and then proceeds to scold you for making a mistake, you would probably be angry and confused. A household works the same way. If a child doesn’t clearly understand how to succeed and what the consequences are for failure or disobedience, they too will be confused when disciplined. This will cause the child to rebel harder against your authority.
Here are a few more tips to think about:
1) Try not to do discipline in the heat of the moment. We tend to not speak clearly and thoughtfully when we are angry. You don’t want to say something you don’t mean and can’t back up.
2) The younger the child, the more crucial it is to connect the discipline to the mistake quickly. As time passes, the child will have a harder time understanding the correlation between discipline and mistake
3) NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, issue a warning that that you are not prepared to back up IMMEDIATLEY. This is crucial. The other side of this is to think very hard before you issue a warning, because once you issue it, you must follow through. Not doing so will damage your authority and the child will not take you seriously. Then you will run in to a new set of problems.
4) Do not give them three attempts to follow your directions. Do not count to three. All you are doing is programing the child that they get three shots at everything, including your authority. Life does not work this way, and children will benefit from learning this lesson early in life. Children must learn to follow directions the first time.
5) Praise. It is so vital to show love and praise when a child fixes a mistake or does the right thing. They need to know that you love them, and that you are proud of them for making the right decisions. Children enjoy the feeling of pleasing, and they will work hard to replicate that feeling.
Finally, it is important to remember that all good parents feel hurt when they have to discipline their child, but you must remind yourself that you are the custodian of their future. Nothing should stand in the way of you educating and positively molding your children into self-sufficient, model citizens who will be productive role models one day. Not even those uncomfortable feelings you get.
All the best,
David Alvas
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Be Your Own Hero

Living with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty can be miserable. It robs us of opportunities to seize the special moments in our lives. It leads us to regrettable decisions, and even worse, to not make a decision when one must be made. Negative emotions are as powerful as injecting a toxin into your body. It can shut down your immune system. It can alter your body chemistry. It can cause you to get sick. So it is important that we study how to combat negative emotions by curing them, not brushing them under the rug.
Most of our basic fears sprung roots when we were small, most likely between the ages of two and six. We have carried them with us our entire lives, most of the time subconsciously. So every time something happens that strikes that old root, we respond the same way we did when we were young. We run and hide. We don’t act. We wait for someone to do it for us.
Here is a quick example: Jimmy is 5 years old and playing on a baseball team. In a big game, Jimmy is playing in the outfield, and suddenly, with the crack of a bat, a pop fly enters his territory. Jimmy focuses very hard on catching the ball, but to no avail. The ball hits his glove, and bounces to the floor. The runners score, the game is over, and Jimmy feels as though he is to blame. Even worse, one or two of his teammates tell Jimmy that he blew the game for them.
In this example, it is easy to see that Jimmy is upset, but what Jimmy doesn’t realize is that his subconscious has now made a decision to never be responsible for the big “stuff” in life again because he already failed once at it, and he hated how that felt. To protect himself from that awful feeling, Jimmy will avoid those opportunities for the rest of his life so he doesn’t have to feel that kind of pain again.
Do you really want to spend your life reacting to a fear that was created decades ago? Probably not. The first step is to identify what it is that scares you. What is it that keeps you from reaching your dreams? It’s not the fear of dropping the baseball; it’s the fear of letting others down. The next step is to sit with it for a while. It might make you mad, it might make you cry, but you must sit with it. The final step is to dig your heels in the ground and take some kind of an action that will directly connect you with that fear and give you the opportunity to let it go. Remember, it is not the action that scares us, it’s how we feel. The action is nothing more than a vehicle of opportunity to shift what must be shifted.
When you accomplish this, you set yourself free. You are your own hero. You save yourself.
Tang Soo Do is a great way to address this process because it consistently gives students an opportunity to practice awareness, to overcome fears using courage, and to practice the self-discipline necessary to change.
You have that super power; you just have to choose to use it, no matter how scared you are.
All the best,
David Alvas
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Midnight Blue Bash Videos
I wanted to make sure that readers of the blog weren't left out on the videos I've been putting together of the Midnight Blue Bash we held last December. The first five have been released, and I've placed them all below. I hope everyone enjoys them! I'll post the rest as soon as they're available.
Part 1: the choreographed form
I wanted to make sure that readers of the blog weren't left out on the videos I've been putting together of the Midnight Blue Bash we held last December. The first five have been released, and I've placed them all below. I hope everyone enjoys them! I'll post the rest as soon as they're available.
Part 1: the choreographed form
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Care, Don’t Coerce
I read a great little quote from Yehuda Berg, someone whose messages I
subscribe to. I felt it was worth passing along. It speaks to the
importance of helping others along with a genuine intention of
benevolence. Sometimes we find ourselves asking others to change
because WE need them to change. This is not the best place to come from
if we want to truly help people for their own good, not ours:
“You cannot change another human being. Think how hard it is to change yourself! And even if you could, you would only bring them away from their purpose – changing themselves.
We can, however, provide help on physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual levels. We can attempt to influence others in ways we think would benefit them. We can try to act in a manner and make decisions that would serve as a positive role model.
But we must navigate the razor’s edge between teaching and preaching. Teachings means sharing your wisdom out of love and care, not because you want to convert or convince or coerce.”
All the best,
David Alvas
“You cannot change another human being. Think how hard it is to change yourself! And even if you could, you would only bring them away from their purpose – changing themselves.
We can, however, provide help on physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual levels. We can attempt to influence others in ways we think would benefit them. We can try to act in a manner and make decisions that would serve as a positive role model.
But we must navigate the razor’s edge between teaching and preaching. Teachings means sharing your wisdom out of love and care, not because you want to convert or convince or coerce.”
All the best,
David Alvas
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Coming to Terms

If we are to be successful in life and achieve our goals and dreams, we have to come to grips with a key concept: we must embrace the hardships and challenges that come our way on our journey to fulfillment and prosperity. These hurdles present us with an opportunity to climb higher and realize what we are truly made of. Discovering what we are truly made of is discovering our essence. When you know your essence, you will know others better. When you know yourself and others better, you will better know peace.
Come to terms with the conflicts, and face them like a warrior.
All the best,
David Alvas
Monday, January 9, 2012
DON’T Make a New Year’s Resolution!

Happy New Year!
I’ll skip the hum drum explanation about how most New Year’s resolutions fail, as I’m assuming you probably know that over 75% of people don’t see theirs through.
But why? Why is it so hard to keep a New Year’s resolution, or any goal, for that matter? The answer has to do with a lack of repetition towards setting goals. If you only set a goal once a year, as oppose to someone who sets goals daily, monthly, and yearly, the odds of success are obviously much lower. It’s simple math: if you set goals 365 days of the year, you have a greater chance of success then if you set a goal just once a year. Because you will gain more experience setting goals, like anything else, you will also gain skill and wisdom with regards to goal setting. This will ensure that future goal setting will be well thought out, more realistic, and have a higher probability of success.
Success is not a goal, it’s a habit. Success encompasses failure, meaning that in order to be successful at something, you WILL fail at it. And if you try something multiple times, you will have more setbacks, just the same with triumphs. Many people don’t know this, but Babe Ruth struck out just as many times as he hit home runs. Thomas Edison failed over one thousand times before he gave the world its first successful light bulb. What does that tell you about success? No football team wins every game of every season, every year. No student passes every single test or assignment. Even the best business people have deals fall though from time to time. So don’t be discouraged if you’re not successful at everything you attempt.
Remember that failure is a part of success, not the opposite of it.
It is also vital to keep it all in the best perspective. Pay more attention to what you have to gain when you set a goal rather than what you could lose if you fail. Successful people follow this anecdote closely.
Have a great year, and remember to be repetitious in your goal setting!
All the best,
David Alvas
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