By Master Instructor David Alvas, Director

“In life we all have desires. There is a gap for most of us on how to actually move daily, within the desire, toward achievement. An often overlooked tool is the concept of making a commitment, and then doing everything required to complete it…even if you want to back out. Surprises linger behind the energy we put out in the process of completion. With the correct attitude, we uncover things that only action can unveil. We change ourselves on a cellular level and thus self expansion can occur. This is part of the process of self discovery and self mastery. Commit fully and do not abort the process. Be prepared to smile about it.
USK students and families, regular training and commitment to becoming a Dan member is a life enhancing process. Lessons absorbed by sticking with this commitment and seeing yourselves or your children as Dan members will provide more than physical training and self-defense. Prepare to honor this commitment and be prepared to smile about it.”
Scripture: By your steadfastness and patient endurance, you shall win the true life of your souls. Luke 21:19
Tang Soo Do: One of the Eight Key Concepts: In Neh, translated “endure patience”.
Quote: "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." Henry Ford
All the best,
David Alvas
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